3 Books I’m Loving

I’ve often thought how amazing it would have been if I had had a mentor in my life – someone with more experience and wisdom and who walked closely with Christ. Unfortunately, I didn’t have this luxury, but in a way, I did have hundreds of mentors. They came in the form of books. After completing college and in my early twenties, I found myself craving knowledge and guidance in areas where I felt lacking. Books helped fulfill this longing. Authors, whom I’ve never met, poured their wisdom and knowledge into my heart and mind through the pages of their books.

Non-fiction books have been instrumental in educating me, shaping my perspectives, and inspiring me to live a life of purpose. The three most recent books I read impacted me greatly, each in their unique way.

The Divine Romance by Gene Edwards

I remember reading my first book by Gene Edwards, The Tale of Three Kings, when I was a freshman in college. The weaving of the stories of King David, Solomon, and Absalom was profound in understanding heartache and brokenness within humanity. Recently, I stumbled upon another of Edwards’ works, The Divine Romance, and from the moment I started reading, I found myself unable to put it down. Unlike any other I’ve read, this book unwrapped a deeper understanding of God’s endless love for us and the depths to which He has gone to draw us to Him. This is definitely a must-read for everyone as it has the power to deepen our understanding of the kind of relationship God fervently desires with each of us. You can find more information HERE.

The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus

McManus’s book is so inspiring as he urges his readers to live a life without regrets. In a world where mediocrity is prevalent, and the crowd is constantly trying to pull others into a life of debilitating comfort, I find McManus’s insight into Scripture so refreshing and enticing. His message of living with purpose and intention, fully committed to the life designed for us by God, is truly compelling. My copy of this book has more highlights than not. I am grateful for McManus’s reminder call to live without regrets – until my last breath. Check out his book HERE.

Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World by Tom Doyle

I was filled with so many emotions as I read this book by missionaries Tom and Joann Doyle, It was filled with captivating stories of Muslim women who, against all odds, found faith in Jesus Christ and lived their lives fully dedicated to Him. The Doyles shared remarkable accounts of Muslim women encountering Christ through personal interactions with Christians, experiencing visions of Christ, and discovering Him within the pages of the Bible. It was truly inspiring to learn how these women, once they embraced Christ, became an unstoppable force. This book provided me with a deeper understanding of the challenges and hardships faced by Muslim women, as well as the relentless love that Jesus has for them. As I turned the final page, I found myself yearning to connect with more of these amazing women and listen to their incredible journeys. The book reminded me of the extraordinary lengths to which God goes to bring all of humanity into is boundless love and hope. Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of the book HERE. Just be prepared; your heart will probably never be the same.

These were just the three most recent books I finished reading. I am grateful for so many authors’ words of wisdom and the lasting impact they have made in my life.

May we continue to be…
Rooted in Him,


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