“What you face today is not new; it’s just your turn.  Beginning with the biblical record, you can read the long and resplendent record of people who loved God more than their own lives and so waged a war of love against all things that destroy body and soul.”

-John Ensor and Scott Klusendorf

yourturnDaily, we are met with injustices that harm people, those whose outward bodies, attitudes, and beliefs reflect the death and destruction of the enemy of their soul.  When you look at humanity through spiritual eyes, you will see the reflection of John 10:10,

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Two complete opposite goals.

One comes to steal, kill and destroy; One comes to bring abundant life.

As we encounter mankind, our love for God must be so strong that we are willing to go into battle for the souls that are around us.  The Lord has promised to fill us with His power that is strong enough to overcome the evil that threatens to destroy our families, friends, co-workers and complete strangers.  We have a choice to either live self-consumed or spend our lives the way Christ modeled for us.  He was a warrior.  He was determined to bring love into the dark places and to set the captives free.

“We don’t make movies about those who tolerate injustice.  We make them about death-defying rescuers.  Now it’s your turn to demonstrate the moral courage required to change the world.”

-Scott Klusendorf and John Ensor