Honest confession time. When we travel to other countries, we are always strategizing how we can accomplish what we want to do for the best price possible. Sometimes it’s a win-win, and sometimes it just make things more inconvenient. On a recent trip to Greece, we took a road trip from Athens to Thessaloniki. As I was planning out the driving directions, I realized the trip was filled with multiple toll roads. Paying for tolls is like paying for a parking ticket or a late fee – it’s seems like a waste of money, and at all costs, I try to avoid them all. I realized there were actually directions to get to Thessaloniki that would eliminate the need for toll roads. Yes, it was going to take a bit longer, but we also looked forward to driving the back roads of Greece to see more of the countryside.
The beauty we experienced would have been missed had we taken the much faster toll route. Yet halfway through the trip I began to wonder if we had made a mistake by taking the longer route as the drive seemed to last forever. As we rounded yet another hill, the tiredness of the drive quickly changed. Right in the middle of nowhere we stumbled upon this old church. Unsure of whether it was still being used, we quickly decided to stop and explore. It’s beauty and simplicity drew me in.

Walking around the stone church, we were met with a great sense of peace. It was quiet, except for the singing of the birds and the rustling of the flowers and grass. It was almost as if nature was worshiping their Creator. There was such a strength and a majestic beauty about the church. How I longed to go in and sit in its quiet refuge.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:5-8
The quietness of the little stone church was so contradictory to what the world offered. In the midst of a crazy, unstable world, we often long for refuge and security such as penned in this Psalm. Some Biblical scholars believe that David wrote these words when he was being pursued by his son Absalom. We can only wonder if this was the reason or not.
Reading David’s words, mirrors the hope in my own soul. His reminders are like a healing balm.
- Peace and rest can only be found in God.
- Life isn’t hopeless if one trusts in God.
- God is the source of all strength and security.
- God is impenetrable and unshakeable.
- We are in complete dependence on Him.
- He is trustworthy at all times.
- He is safe.
I was grateful for stumbling upon this old stone church for it is a reminder that God is my rest, hope, fortress and refuge.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,