Such powerful words in a short sentence. It sums up the destiny of our lives. We have a God who desires to give us an incredibly abundant life that can only be found in Him. It’s like a beautiful spring day after a long cold winter. We step outside, breathe in the fresh air, feel the warmth of the sun and feel like we could run for miles. Sometimes in life we can feel like this spring feeling will never come. We believe that winter will always be and we resign to live our life with that mentality. Recently in a magazine I read Winn Colllier’s thoughts on this in his article “Lean Toward Life.” He said, “In order to play it safe we make peace with the death we encounter or the brokenness we experience. Some of us grow cynical, cutting joy off before it can ever get started. Some of us lose heart, presuming that God will not act on our behalf. Some of us give into selfish pleasures, assuming we must grab whatever we can rather than trust God for something better. To desire God is to trust Him.”
I believe there’s a lot of truth in what he said. We often get discouraged and think that winter will always remain in our heart. We become cynical and skeptical that life will ever be different. We accept living a life less than what we were intended to. If we believe the Bible, we must believe all of it. So…when Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” we must trust that God’s word is true and seize that kind of life for ourselves. If you are in the season of winter, take heart, spring is around the corner!