In order to have pure silver to make beautiful and useful creations, the silversmith must melt the material hot enough to remove the dross which is the impurity within the silver. The silversmith must not have any of the impurities left which would mar the masterpiece that it is in his heart and mind to create. It’s interesting to note that the creator knows when the silver is purified by looking into the liquid and if it reflects his face, he knows that it has been purified. The liquid has to reflect the image of the maker in order to be in a position to be useable.
What an incredible illustration for our own lives. What is the dross in me that must be removed in order to reflect my Creator? What do I allow in my life that pollutes the beauty that I was intended to be? Is it how I spend my time? What I put in my mind and allow in my thoughts? What does the Lord need to purge and purify in me so that I can be a substance that reflects Him?