Beloved by God

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3

Beloved: dearly loved.

In a world where “love” is full of hooks – I’ll love you if… I’ll love you when … what is it like to truly “be loved?”

I mean really truly, unconditionally and wholly loved. What is it like when someone calls you their “Beloved?” There are limits to human love. We may attempt to love unconditionally, to love without hooks, yet often fall so short.

We hear the story of Jesus coming to earth so many times that we can lose the awe of the meaning behind His journey. If we deconstruct all we know and have learned, and consume John 3:16 through the eyes of a child perhaps we will live in awe once again.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

For God so loved you…. not because of what you do or don’t do, simply because He loves. No other relationship will offer you this kind of unconditional love. Songwriters Jonathan David and Melissa Helser wrote and sang the song, “I am Your Beloved” and its words, full of truth, are such a powerful reminder of God’s love for us. Here is just a snippet of the lyrics:

I am Your beloved

You have bought me with Your blood

And on Your hand

You’ve written out my name

I am Your beloved

One the Father loves

Mercy has defeated all my shame

The One who knows me best

Is the One who loves me most

There is nothing I have done

That could change the Father’s love

Find a quiet place, listen to this song, and rest in the love of the Father for you.

May we continue to live…

Rooted in Him,
