Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you – you of little faith.
Luke 12:27-28
Recently, we were traveling through the countryside in Greece. We had left Athens and were driving seven hours to Thessaloniki. Being a bit unconventional, we set our GPS to avoid tolls. This decision added two hours to our time, but the gift was seeing the countryside of this beautiful country.
At one point in the journey, we rounded a corner and were in awe of the beautiful wild flowers dotting the natural landscape. Everywhere we went there were striking red flowers intermixed with bright yellow and purple flowers. They were masterfully placed in the fields, along the roadside, among the homes and it was absolutely stunning. It truly took my breath away.
No one had planned the placement of these flowers – no one, except their Creator. There’s no way humanity could have created such natural beauty. Every year in the springtime the country is graced with such beauty. At some point, the flowers die and yet, faithfully they return the next year.
Of course, my mind sees the relation to the passage in Luke 12 where Jesus talks about the wild flowers. He makes the correlation to Solomon and that even with all of the wealth and resources at His disposable, he was not dressed in such splendor.
We may have the belief somewhere in our minds that we are destined for just surviving, for living a dull, boring, colorless life and then we die. Yet, Jesus tells us otherwise. He beckons us to believe that He will cover us with His beauty and majesty. If He is the Creator of the beautiful wild flowers, that are here one moment and then gone, He can and wants to bring beauty to our lives.
And yet, He exhorts us to grow our faith and believe that this is who He is. When we believe that it is God who faithfully desires to bring beauty to our lives and take care of our needs, we will realize that the result brings glory to God. When others see the beauty and majesty that is in us, we will point them to our Creator and say, “He did this! He planted His seeds within me. I represent His creativity and I live to bring Him glory.”
There is no need to worry, no need to resign ourselves to a “less than” life. We are His creation and He only makes beautiful things!
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,