“See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
1 Peter 2:6
Several months ago, we took a life-changing trip to the beautiful land of Israel. How the Scriptures came to life as we traversed in the very same areas that Jesus, His disciples and their spiritual forefathers walked. The old stone buildings, pathways and walls were stunning as we imagined what it would be like to walk with Jesus on earth thousands of years beforehand.
The vast difference of architecture compared to the West Coast in America spoke a profound spiritual lesson. It seems back home, if you have a house that is 100 years old that it is ancient and threatening to fall down. Yet, in Israel we visited sites that were thousands of years old and still strong. What a difference in how things are built.
Scripture speaks of the Cornerstone. This is the first well-laid stone that will be the guide for building the rest of the structure. It is the plumb line to make sure the rest of the stones are straight thereby creating a secure building. A strong, well-placed cornerstone is the difference between a structure that is solid and will last versus one that is haphazardly built ready to fall apart at the slightest of wind.
What a great picture of Jesus as our Cornerstone. In a world of relativity and “beliefs” that are based on feelings, we need to continually focus the building of our lives on Jesus as our Cornerstone. His Word will be our plumb line that will keep us on the right path. In a world that tells us to do whatever feels right, we have seen the crumbling of our society as they have built their lives without a plumb line thereby bringing chaos and destruction to themselves and others.
However, we can choose to live with the greatest Cornerstone who will consistently lead us in building lives that will be strong and sustain the storms of society around us. His truth is never changing and is faithful to guide us. If we choose to trust in Jesus and His standards of how we build our lives, this verse, and it’s companion verse in Isaiah 28:16, promises we will never be put to shame and we will never be stricken with panic.
The key to living in peace regardless of circumstances – being stable and steadfast – being able to withstand the storms of life – is found in trusting Jesus Christ as our Cornerstone. If we follow His plumb line in how we build our lives, we will be indestructible!
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,