1. Cultivate a sense of wonder. She thought everything was great. Whenever a new kind of technology or opportunity was introduced, she saw the beauty in it. I think so many of us especially as we get older don’t necessarily like change but this woman seized each new great opportunity with excitement.
2. Take in stride what comes your way. She was known for not being a worrier and realizing that it doesn’t do you any good. (This is a lesson that I need to take to heart.)
3. Read your Bible. She loved to read her Bible daily up until the time she lost her eyesight.
4. Don’t eat junk food. She made sure she ate a balanced and nutritious diet. There’s a reason she’s lived to 116 and surpassed those who have died at a much earlier age due to unnecessary health problems.
5. Mind your own business. She made it her goal to not get caught up in the drama of others and focus on being the best that she could be.
Wow…what a pattern for us to follow!!
Excerpt from Focus on the Family, Jim Daly, October 24, 2012.