A couple of years ago, my husband and I went to Washington, D.C. We were burdened to pray and intercede for our country, so we hopped on a plane and spent 10 days walking around the city, praying over every area of influence.
On one of the days, it was raining pretty heavily, so we decided to spend the day at the Museum of the Bible. One of their exhibits was a video giving a synopsis of the Bible. As the video spoke of Exodus, it focused on Moses and the freedom of the Israelites. They described him as a humble man with a stuttering problem, yet whose cry was “Let my people go.”
I started thinking about all the people around me enslaved to the enemy and his lies. What if we picked up Moses’ calling and demanded that the Enemy of humanity let God’s creation go? What if we gave him notice that the time of their enslavement was over? God wants to deliver all who are oppressed by the enemy.
Jesus’ final word on the cross was tetelestai, the Greek word for “It is finished.” His death and resurrection on the cross ended the enemy’s hold on our lives. As believers and messengers of His good news, we are to be like Moses and release people from their captivity by leading them to Christ.
As I was dwelling on all those needing freedom, I penned these thoughts.
Let my people go – the cry of Moses
Let God’s people go – the cry of my heart
Enemy, your lies must fall – your chains, must break
You have no power to stop God’s healing for all
Freedom, freedom, is my cry for the young and the old
The stripes, the cross, defeats all
Our identity is found in the One who paid the price
His sacrifice showed me true love, His sacrifice made me new
Freedom, joy, hope and peace are my Savior’s gifts
May we be messengers of the freedom that comes through Christ. May we journey through the desert with those that need help getting to the Promise Land. May we be conduits of His love, truth and mercy.
And may we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,