When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:10-11
As Christmas time is upon us, most of us find ourselves rushing to get the last minute Christmas gifts purchased as we begin to wrap up the final details for the big day. It’s a thrill when you find that perfect gift for your loved one, anticipating the joy they will receive as they unwrap it. It’s a always a balance navigating Christmas here on earth and keeping the focus on what the true meaning of Christmas is.
Reflecting on the Biblical Christmas story to guide my heart and mind, I find myself pondering the story of the Magi. You’re probably familiar with these mysterious wise men seeking to find the promised King. They studied prophecy and searched, until at last they found the One their hearts were seeking. Filled with joy, they bowed and worshipped their newfound King and presented Him with their gifts. Looking at the specific gifts they chose, we can see there’s a purpose behind each one. Upon further contemplation, I began to consider what gifts I might give Jesus this season. Let’s look at the gifts of the wise men and see how we can give our King something similar.
Magi’s Gift: Gold was a symbol of royalty or kingship on this earth. They chose to give Jesus what a king would normally receive, thereby solidifying their belief that He, indeed, was the King they were searching for. When one would visit the king of a country they would bring their wealth to show respect and affirm their kingship in the land.
My Gift: I will choose to to give up building my kingdom on earth and give everything I have to the King of kings to build His kingdom alone. I give Him all my hopes, dreams, ideas and ambitions and lay them down at His feet. I will focus my energies on building God’s kingdom on earth.
Magi’s Gift: Frankincense, an incense, was a gift that symbolized deity. It was traditionally burned in the temple as an offering to God.
My Gift: I will worship and offer my life as a fragrant offering to the one true God alone. It may be hard to comprehend idol worship today since most of us wouldn’t even think about creating an artifact and worshipping it. Yet, how often do we create idols with other things in our lives? Truly anything that takes preeminence in our mind, our goals and our stewardship can be our god. Anything that determines how we think, how we act, what’s important to us and what influences our decisions can be our god. May I remove everything that doesn’t offer complete allegiance to God. May the aroma of my life be offered to Him alone and may I not commit my thoughts, beliefs and actions to any other.
Magi’s Gift: Myrrh was used during the embalming process – it was symbolic of death. What an inspired gift the Magi brought to the Christ-child. Little did they know the gift was a premonition of the eternal life-changing moment His death, and His resurrection, would bring to humanity .
My Gift: I will give Jesus my life. I will die to myself so that He may live in me. Every breath, every thought, every word and every action belongs to Him alone. May I remember to live out Mark 8:34-37: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
Perhaps this season you can carve out some alone time and think about what you want to give Jesus. Write your gifts down, and through prayer, follow the Magi’s pattern.
“Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts.”
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,