I woke up yesterday morning with a desire for prayer. I began my prayers just like I had in the past – by asking. The thought came to my mind about how that must tire God. I know there are Scriptures that speak about bringing our requests to God but I think there are many more that tell us to come before Him with thankfulness. I think I’m a little off balance – O.K… a lot off balance. I thought back to how the night before my daughter asked me if I wanted to come downstairs and have a bowl of cereal with her. I jumped at this opportunity to spend some time with her in the midst of her very busy schedule. One of the first things out of her mouth was, “Mom, I need new jeans. Can we please go get some?” Now I know that she loves me and she didn’t mean anything by it but I thought how I wish she would just BE with me. I already know that she needs jeans and I was already planning on getting her some. I knew her needs but I just wanted her to just want to BE with me.
So…as I awoke and started asking God for things, even though they were good and necessary things, I wonder how often this tires Him as well. I think perhaps He wants the same thing as I do. He just wants me to delight in just BEing with Him. He already knows what I need but He desires that I delight in getting to know Him more. Matthew 6:32b-33 says, “your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” When I come to Him focusing on just my needs, I become self-centered. He knows my needs and does welcome my requests but I think the more I focus on Him and really getting to know Him that my needs will diminish and my focus will be more on things that are eternal.
I thank my daughter for teaching me a valuable lesson. And just for the record, she spent the rest of our time asking me questions about me and getting to know who I am in a new way. What a blessing she is!