Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.
1 Peter 1:3-4
We live in a world of beginnings and ends; things that live and then die. We’ve had relationships, experiences, material items, and hopes and dreams that begin – and then they end. We are familiar with endings. Some are welcomed and some are grieved.
Yet, in Christ, two truths stand above it all. First, what God bestows to us is beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. And second, the good that comes from Him will never end.
This is a difficult concept for us to grasp because of the brokenness of our world. Yet, God is eternal, perfect and unfathomably good. There truly are no words to describe Him in all His glory.
Some key words in this passage that jump out to me:
- Mercy: God is the giver of all we don’t deserve. It is His loving kindness that bestows to us all the beauty and eternal blessings.
- New Birth: What a gift of a fresh start, a new beginning, to start over leaving all of our past baggage behind and seeing things through new spiritual eyes.
- Living Hope: We receive an excitement and belief that things will be better – that they will be right. It’s an eternal expectation of living in complete communion with our Heavenly Father. It has no ending.
- Heirs: Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom. It is an inheritance that knows no end. It will never run out.
There is no comparing the beauty of walking with God and devoting our entire lives to Him. He brings hope from desperation, beauty from ashes, and life from death. He is our Living Hope!
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,