“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”
John 4:34
The will of God.
A great mystery to me. Something I desperately crave … or do I?
Do I crave the romantic view of it? Am I secretly wanting God’s will for me to “look like” I’m on the cutting edge, but really not requiring sacrifice from me? What if I realized the will of God for my life was painful, like that of Christ? What if it led to the greatest rejection, onslaught of misperceptions, false accusations, being left alone, misunderstood, not wanted, and a painful death?
Would I really – do I really – want to know the will of my Father? His will doesn’t begin and end with me – for I am only a part of a great relay race to complete His ultimate good work.
It’s sobering to check my heart. Perhaps I don’t have the purest of intentions. Am I more satisfied with earthly food rather than eternal? Earthly food doesn’t require as much as the eternal.
To understand the desire of Jesus to do the will of the Father is to understand the Father, to understand eternity, to understand His goodness. Also, to understand my role in the race and know the end game.
Ultimately, regardless of how idyllic we create our own version of the will of God, nothing will ever satisfy until we walk in the will of our Father.
Would only that my spirit, rather than my flesh, dictate my desires, my disciplines and my choices.
May we continue to live …
Rooted in Him,