“Nana, I love you!”
“Nana, I love coming to your house!”
“Nana, I colored this just for you!”
These few phrases from my toddler-aged granddaughters bring me the greatest joy. With excitement and anticipation in their eyes, they hand me their latest coloring project and know what my reaction will be. I will gush over their choice of colors, the pictures they draw, and the meaning behind it because this is one of the few ways they can give of themselves.
They can’t buy me a gift. They can’t make me a meal. They can’t complete a household chore. In fact, the opposite is true. I gladly buy them gifts I think they will enjoy. I will make food I know they will like. And I will come behind them and pick up all of their messes. Why? Because I delight in them and just want to be with them.
My “ah-ha” moment came when I realized that my Heavenly Father is a lot like this. He longs to hear me whisper, “Father God, I love you!” and “I love being where you are.” And with the innocence of a toddler, I give Him what only I can give Him … my praise and adoration! He gives me what I don’t deserve, lavishes me with His living food and water, and constantly cleans up my messes. And in all of it, He delights in me!