Fear is a funny thing. One can make the case it’s healthy – a warning sign of danger ahead. And then there are other times when fear is debilitating and stifling.
One thing I’ve noticed about fear is, it dictates we live in the land of “what-ifs.” We don’t travel somewhere out of our comfort zone, we don’t meet new people, we don’t start that ministry, we don’t do that thing … because what if this or what if that happens.
Fear keeps us from taking the next step. We become frozen in uncertainties and live only part of our lives. We keep the rest of it shoved in a box under our bed where it will be safe. Or is it?
At times, we may become inspired by someone else’s life, or perhaps a movie or book of someone who took a risk and the results were amazing. We may even allow ourselves to dream about what our lives could be like if we just took that step.
And almost as quickly as our dreams surface, fear creeps in demanding we run back to our comfort zones.
This quote expresses it best, “A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” (Buz Luhrmann) Living in fear robs us of living our life to the fullest.
Peter’s struggle with fear is similar to our own. In the famous account in Matthew 14, we find Peter and the disciples riding in a boat. It was a familiar vessel yet, at the moment, they were being tossed and turned, buffeted by the wind and waves. All of sudden, they saw this man walking on the water. I’m sure they rubbed their eyes, squinted and asked each other if they were seeing the same thing. Thinking it was a ghost, fear swept in. Jesus called out to their fear and reassured them it was him. Peter in his spontaneity asked Jesus if he could join him. I’m sure if he had time to think about it in the natural, he would never have stepped out of the boat.
As Jesus invited Peter to join him in what seemed impossible, Peter boldly stepped out. And he walked … on the water. Let’s just stop there for a moment. Imagine having the experience of walking on the water with Jesus. I wonder how many of the other disciples later wished they had stepped out also. All they had was the experience of watching it happen, but not being a part of it.
Things were going well until … fear stepped in and messaged to Peter that what he was doing was impossible. As he saw the wind and the waves, fear took over and convinced him he couldn’t do what he was doing and that’s when he went under.
Jesus, in his graciousness and patience, reached down and pulled him up and continued the journey of walking on the water with him. It was Jesus’ words that are so profound, “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31)
Doubt robs us from living our life to the fullest. It’s the messenger of the “what ifs.” It has stolen more dreams, more opportunities, more joy than anything else.
Philippians 4:13 reminds us, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
What is the other half of your life that you’re not living? Who did God create you to be? How is unhealthy fear holding you back? What are the doubts rolling around in your mind?
Many on their deathbed express sadness for the things they didn’t do. Determine to live your life to the fullest as you seek God’s crazy plans for your life. Who knows??? You may find yourself walking on the water.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,