I was shocked to hear how she had died unexpectedly while giving birth to her baby boy. What was supposed to be the happiest day of her family’s life ended in great tragedy. I couldn’t believe it as I heard the news. No one dies in America anymore while giving birth; what had happened???? As I walked into the church for her funeral, I was overwhelmed at the number of people there to celebrate her life and pay respects to the impact that she had made. There were over 700 people gathered for one common goal; to let everyone know that Sandra had made a difference in their life and that she would be severely missed.
As several people stood and shared what Sandra meant to them, I heard a reoccurring theme. Sandra was generous, she never backed down from a challenged, she opened her life to all that met her, she gave her all so that others would know her God she so dearly loved, and mostly how she seized every day and lived it to the fullest.
I was challenged by listening to those she impacted. I was encouraged by talking to the young adults who were formerly my youth kids. I was convicted to jump head first back into the game; the game of living my life 100% for God’s glory. After the funeral as I talked with those in my former youth group, I was humbled as I heard their words about how something I said or did had made a difference in their life. I realized from Sandra’s death and from the generous words of my former youth members that you never know when you are making a difference in someone’s life. You may think it’s a little thing but to them it could be the thing that made their journey a little better, their relationship with God a little stronger and perhaps even changed their life for the better.
I am saddened by those left behind after Sandra’s passing but I am so very happy for her. For today, she is having the time of her life in heaven with the God she so loved. Her passing causes me to reflect on this verse, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58