Overwhelming Emotional Pain

Perhaps we’ve allowed our past pain and unforgiveness to become the major focus of our lives. In a sense, it has become our god. it has affected our allegiance, our beliefs and our unwillingness to surrender to God. Let’s say it this way. When we’ve propped up the idol of pain or bitterness, and God no longer takes first place, then we cease to feel and experience His peace and presence. At this point, the destructive fire – a fire that consumes how we think, how we feel and how we view our yesterday, today and tomorrow – is fully all-consuming.

When pain becomes our god, it will make us into its very own image. Instead of bearing the image of God, we bear the image of pain. In doing so, we become bound to it telling us who we are, what decisions we must make and how we must operate. It affects how we view ourselves and how we interact with others.

The hurt against us must not turn us into a person we were never created to be – a person filled with anger, bitterness, brokenness or sadness. Yet, forgiveness releases the power of the offender over our lives and allows us to become what God intended us to be – a soul operating with peace, power and purpose.

Has emotional pain overwhelmed you?

  • Do you wake up and go to sleep thinking about the injustice of your situation?
  • Is there a darkness and heaviness that settles in your heart and emotions?
  • Is it difficult to be joyful?
  • Have you have pulled away from people?
  • Have you lost hope?
  • Does it seem like you barely make it through the day?

If you answered yes to the majority of these questions, then realize that pain has overtaken your life. We were never meant to live in this place of emotional pain.

God has created a pathway for freedom. The power lies in forgiveness. It may seem impossible. It may seem undeserving. Yet, it is the key for us to live an abundant life. Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy our lives but God has come that we will live abundantly in Him. (John 10:10)

Next Step

In the book All Things New, I go in depth into freedom that forgiveness brings. Learn about forgiveness between us and God, us and others and forgiving yourself. Grab your copy HERE and walk into your new life.

May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,
