“If ever there comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known.”
Matthew Arnold, 19th Century British poet & philosopher
Living in a time when the very identity of what is a woman, is in question, the beautiful power of womanhood is being squelched. The enemy knows the power that God has given women and his fear is that someday we may realize who we are in Christ and live accordingly.
Women are irreplaceable and their role on this earth is needed in such a desperate way. There are so many characteristics that women often carry in this world. Some of my favorite are:
- Women are designed to nurture and help people grow into their God-given purpose.
- Women are the glue that holds people and situations together.
- Women exhibit sacrificial love.
- Women have an intrinsic fight in them for their children and others in need.
- Women discern people’s feelings and long to bring compassion and hope.
God never makes mistakes and He purposefully created men and women to be different. One isn’t better than the other and both are needed. Our world is a better place when men are men and women are women.
Imagine what would happen if women refused to tear each other down, stop the endless comparison game, cheered each other on, refused to live in fear, and united as daughters of the King to make a difference in this world.
I think it would be such a beautiful place.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,