livingwaterAt the beginning of a new year, most people make New Year’s resolutions but very few actually expect to accomplishment their desires.  We often find ourselves in the same circumstances that we’ve been in over the past decades.  We have come to believe that some things will never change, that there is no hope in certain things and we have built up a list of reasons why this is so.

An interesting story is recorded in John 5 that allows us to eavesdrop into a conversation that Jesus had with a man who was an invalid for over 38 years.  38 years is a long time for anything but to be an invalid for that length of time must have been discouraging.  As Jesus entered Jerusalem, he came to the pool of Bethesda.  It was surrounded by those who had some type of sickness or disease.  It was said that the from time to time an angel of the Lord would come down and stir up the water.  The first one who entered the pool at this time would be cured of whatever disease he had.  When Jesus saw this man, he said to him,  “Do you want to get well?”  It would seem a strange question to ask of him but even stranger was the man’s reply.

He didn’t say, yes, but told Jesus the reason why he couldn’t get well.  He complained about how whenever the water stirred someone would always get there before him.  I wondered…did he not hear the question?

“Do you want to get well, not why aren’t you well; but, do you WANT to get well?”

I wonder how many times Jesus asks me the same type of question?  “Do you want to get well?  Do you want hope?  Do you really want me to answer your prayer request?”

Hmmm…perhaps I don’t really answer these questions honestly but only come up with many reasons why God wouldn’t answer them so that I won’t have to truly live by faith.

If I truly realize who my God is I would shout everyday at the top of my lungs, “YES, YES,  I want my deepest desires to be met by you!!!”

A chapter earlier, Jesus was talking with the woman at the well.  When he asked her for a drink of water she responded with shock at the fact that he would even be talking to her as a Samaritan woman.  His reply is filled with an amazing truth for her as well as for us.

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”  John 4:10

If I knew Him…I mean really knew Him, I would go to him with my needs realizing that His word says that He wants to meet my needs and that his answer will always bring me life.

The questions remain for me today, “Do I want to…?” and “Do I know Him…?”

If I shout out a big YES to both of those, my life will be forever changed.
