Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”
Matthew 22:29
It’s been said there is nothing new under the sun. Yet, it seems our world is spiraling out of control faster than ever before. Chaos and confusion rule the hearts and minds of so many and the new norm makes it seem as if the crazies are in charge.
It’s no wonder we may awaken feeling anxious, uncertain and sometimes fearful of the world we live in. Silvered tongued voices and ideas are everywhere espousing their new ideology that seems crazier than the one before. How are we to be certain of what we believe? How do we not get swept away in the battle of ideas?
Tucked away in Matthew 22:23-33, we are given access to a conversation between the Sadducees and Jesus. The Sadducees were a highly educated, wealthy, elite group of Jewish religious leaders who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, angels, demons, heaven or hell. During Jesus’ ministry on earth, they would seek opportunities to stump Him with their knowledge.
One such encounter, left the crowds astonished at Jesus’ explanation. The Sadducees presented a question before Jesus involving the resurrection of the dead, which was something they didn’t believe in. The scenario was a women who was married to a man who died, then was remarried to the brother who died also and the situation continued the same all the way to seventh brother, and then she did. The Sadducees asked Jesus at the time of the resurrection whose wife would she be.
Jesus issues this powerful statement that we all can use as an evaluative tool. Knowing they didn’t believe in the resurrection and were using the situation to try and trick Him, He surprisingly replied, “You are in error because you do not the Scriptures or the power of God.”
In their attempts to trick and trap Jesus, it was revealed the Sadducees reasoning was wrong because of two things: they didn’t really know God nor had they experienced Him. These are the two keys for right reasoning.
We see in the world around us so many think their reasoning is the right way yet with so many opposing viewpoints, how are we to know what is right. We can use Jesus’ evaluative tool in this passage as a litmus test. We are wrong in our reasoning when:
- We think with only human understanding and analysis.
- We don’t know what Scriptures teach us and the standards of God.
- We rely on our own strength instead of God’s.
Navigating the complexities of today we need two things: Knowledge and Experiences with God.
Are we diving deep into the Scriptures and holding them fast to our hearts? Are they the filter to which we view everything else? Are we relying on God and have we seen Him move in situations in our lives? Do we believe He has power and authority over everything and do we live accordingly?
To know and experience God is the foundational basis for which we are to live our lives. It keeps us on the right track when everything around us in chaos. We won’t be swayed by new manmade ideas but will live in peace by trusting in God’s truth and power. In a world of confusion and chaos, our hearts can be a rest knowing nothing is stronger than God in our lives and that His ways are best and He has the last word.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,