Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Spring is one of my favorite seasons. It’s the time I feel most alive. Winter carries darker days, dreary weather, dormant plants and trees – and then there’s Spring!!
Right now in my yard, irises are bursting forth in a beautiful purple color, the leaves are budding on the trees, the roses are showing off their glory and the grass is an inviting shade of green. The sun shines it’s warmth, thawing my cold joints and penetrating deep into my bones.
Just as God is faithful to bring about seasons on this Earth, He is faithful to bring a new season to each of us. He is faithful to do a new thing in our lives. He is faithful to bring to life that which we thought was dead and gone.
It is God alone that can find a way through our wilderness, through our wasteland, and call to life that which is dead. Do you see Him? He’s there. He has never left and He is faithful to spring up new life in you.
There are many areas of our lives that we need a spiritual Spring. Areas that have been dried up as if we have been living in a parched desert, areas of our lives that have not seen the sunlight because of the thick and confusing wilderness we have been living in, are craving the Spirit of Spring.
There’s no magic formula that brings God’s “new thing,” or new life to your soul. It is simply dwelling with Him, spending time in His Word and in worship that brings about the new life that our soul so craves. It is in this posture that the Master Gardener does His best work in our lives, carefully tending our dried and dormant souls and bringing forth the beauty He has created within each of us.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,