We are currently in the middle of summer where I live, and the sun and heat have taken their toll on my yard. Day after day of temperatures over 100 degrees, direct sunlight, and water restrictions have caused dry spots to appear on my grass. The plants look tired and I have been sweating nonstop.
In weather like this, there’s nothing more refreshing than an ice cold glass of ice tea mixed with strawberry lemonade. I cannot even begin to count how many I have had.
During a recent trip to Greece, we visited the site where they believe Lydia was baptized. The river was stunning, peaceful, beautiful and cool with overgrown trees nestled on each side of the river. I imagined what life was like during the time of Lydia. Things were chaotic, political concerns, unsafe living and more. When Paul appeared in the town of Philippi, he found people hungry for the gospel, desiring something different, something refreshing. It was here that Lydia stepped up as the first recorded convert in Europe. And she jump all in with Christ, immediately being baptized and renewed in Him.
As we observe the world around us, people appear exhausted and depleted, overwhelmed by the brokenness of this world. It’s as if their lives have been one long, hot summer, and they are desperately seeking relief.
In the book of Acts, chapter three, verse nineteen, Peter was speaking to a crowd of people shortly after Jesus was taken up to heaven after His resurrection. The world at the time was similarly in a state of unrest. Politically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually – things were wearisome. Sin was running rampant.
When sin enters our lives and our world, burdens, weariness, and unrest become everyday life. Yet, Paul exhorts his listeners in Acts 3:19, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”
It is sin that makes everything wrong and alternatively, it is repentance that makes everything right.
It is God alone, His Spirit, His ways, that refreshes our soul.
As Christians, we have the answer for the weariness, for the lifestyle choices that bring brokenness. The exhortation to repent is such a beautiful gift from our Savior. He has provided a way for refreshment. He asks us to turn from our sins because He knows that is the very thing that is bringing our hurt, pain and weariness. By turning from sin, we turn from the things that hurt us. By turning to God, our lives will be refreshed.
Walking in His Spirit, in His truth, in His standards, in His love, we receive His generous refreshment.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,