These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.
Acts 17:6b
It’s time to shake things up. It’s time to do things differently. It’s time to make things uncomfortable.
The book of Acts reads like an adventure novel. Believers acted like believers. Jesus ascended, the Holy Spirit empowered, and the world was never the same again. Disciples became apostles, killer religious leaders became Messiah followers, women became church leaders and the establishment didn’t know what to do about it.
The power and authority the believers walked with was unmatched by what had been. In our world we find ourselves in today we need this power and authority. Our corrupt world is anti-God and it is our time to be believers who believe, to know wherein our identity lies, to walk by faith and not fear and to boldly go and speak the gospel message of salvation and hope to a world who is so desperately lost.
It’s time to turn our world upside down!
Rooted In Him,