-Angela Thomas
Many times as a mom we get caught up in the day to day of housekeeping, feeding our family, wiping running noses or running teenagers around. At times, our days just seem that of maintaining not really growing or moving forward. What would happen if we awoke each day with a different mindset? The duties of motherhood will not have gone away but perhaps our focus will be different. What if we woke up and decided to live today passionately for God? What if our kids saw us give our daily desires, needs and affection to our Heavenly Father. Do my kids know that my life is more than just them? Do they know that I am concerned for others? That I have a passion for others’ souls? That I care for those who have needs? For those who don’t know God? Is it evidenced by how I treat people that I interact with throughout the day?
If I did live each day with a passion for God would my children’s mentality be different? Would they be less selfish? Would they complain less? Would they began to see others through the eyes of Christ? It’s a challenge that I must take. Yes, God has called me to be a mom and at this stage when my kids are dependent on me, most of my time may be taken up caring for them. While this is honorable, I must remember that I too have a calling on my life to be an ambassador for Christ to my family AND to the world. May I not neglect living a passionate life for God. I must ask myself…
“What can I do today that will make a difference for eternity?”