It was the darkest day in all the Earth. So dark, the sun stopped shining and a heaviness settled over all the land. There was a great earthquake. There was the horror of crucifixion. There was wailing and overwhelming grief. What people thought they had believed about Jesus, they were now questioning – and a hopelessness filled the air.
Good Friday?? How could it be called good? What was so good about this day that came to Earth over 2,000 years ago? The Messiah, the hope for the hopeless was hanging dead on a cross after suffering extreme torture at the hands of those He created. Rejection, despisement and mockery was thrust upon the Creator by His Creation. Nothing was as it should be. He was the King of kings. He deserved worship, praise, adoration, servitude. Instead He received the punishment and death that was due us all.
As the temple curtain tore in two upon His last breath, it was signaling a distinct before and after. Yet, those who had walked with Him wondered what the after would be like. It seemed all hope was gone. How could this day be called good???
It is good because He truly was the King of kings and He brings good out of everything. Even as Satan thought he had crucified our Savior, he overplayed his hand. And because Jesus is God, what the enemy thought was his victory, it was his greatest defeat.
And because of the victory on the cross, we are a walking testimony of God making everything new in our lives. Maybe this is dark time in your life. Maybe you have no hope. Maybe it seems like things are going from bad to worse.
Yet in Christ, He will take the worst things that can happen to you and bring about the greatest victory. Only through pressing into Him, will He bring hope out of what seems hopeless. He will so resurrect the things you think the enemy has taken from you and change them in such a powerful way that you will speak of how it became the greatest thing that ever happened to you.
Because of Jesus and His resurrecting power, He will bring beauty from ashes, joy from mourning, peace in chaos and hope in the hopeless. That is who He is and that is what He does!! We deserve nothing and yet He has given us everything.
With the torn temple curtain, the distance between us and God was closed. We now have the confidence to enter His presence and be amazed at the goodness that He is. His love will wash over us and He will carry us through every dark day and bring us to a place of His goodness.
Just as a bad Friday 2,000 years ago is now called Good Friday, so He will take your “bad day” and turn it into your testimony of His goodness! It’s who He is. He is:
- Our Savior
- Our Greatest Love
- Our Hope
- Our Redeemer
- Our Restorer
- All Things Beautiful
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,