“Give thanks to the Lord
for his love endures forever.”
2 Chronicles 20:21
Does a heart of thankfulness really change anything? In an environment of negativity where it seems like the entire world has gone crazy, we find the season of Thanksgiving creeping in. Yes, the Thanksgiving holiday is an American holiday, but the root of thanksgiving is a spirit we would do well to incorporate into our daily lives.
In the midst of overwhelming obstacles, King Jehoshaphat found himself and the Israelite people facing their enemies in what seemed to be impending destruction. The Moabites and Ammonites were encroaching ever nearer to the Israelites with plans to kill and plunder. The Israelites felt powerless and in that moment turned their eyes upon God for their deliverance.
Scripture tells us in 2 Chronicles 20 that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel, son of Zechariah, who encouraged the Israelites with a word from God. He told them “the battle is not yours, But God’s” and that they would not have to fight this battle. They only needed to take their positions, stand firm and watch God deliverer them. He encouraged them to not be afraid or discouraged because God would fight for them.
As the Israelites set out the next morning, King Jehoshaphat appointed the “men’s choir” to sing praise to God as they led the army to face their enemies. Yes … it was the “men’s choir” that led the army. And this is what they sang:
“Give thanks to the Lord,
for his love endures forever.”
2 Chronicles 20:21
And then the miracle took place. Their enemies turned on each other and begin to destroy one another as the Israelites sang on. As their praise rose to the heavens, their enemies were stopped and they were left with all of the valuable resources of those that threatened to destroy them.
With praise to our God, we will see:
- Our enemies silenced
- Miraculous works of our God
- Resources to meet every need and more
As we enter into the Thanksgiving season, may it serve as a reminder to give thanks to God in all things, live with a heart of gratitude and trust in God that He has our today and tomorrow in His hands.
May we continue to live…
Rooted in Him,