twoworldsI often find myself torn between two worlds…this earthly one I live in and my heavenly one that calls me to greater places.  I become dissatisfied with life and my eyes hungrily feed on desires for things that I see in other people’s lives.  I think to myself, “I want… I must have…why not me?”  Thoughts that taunt me when I am weak and when I live in the flesh.  It leaves me only anxious and uncertain – depression and discontentment creep in.

As I was pondering my situation it was as if God spoke directly to my heart.  If He wanted me to have all of these things I see in others, if He wanted me to have the opportunities I saw others had, He could make that all happen.  Really, what does the world need from me?  It doesn’t need me to be a successful business person or accomplished in a certain skill.  I have been chosen, called out to be God’s ambassador.  My role on this earth is to represent Him and to love His creation the way He loves them.  When my eyes get on this world I forget that this is not my home.  2 Timothy 2:4 says, “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.”  How easy I forget that I am really on duty as a soldier of the Lord and that a battle is being waged over the souls of mankind.

How embarrassing it is when I lose sight of that and become consumed with things that do not last.  Psalm 53:2 says, “God looks down from heaven on the sons of man to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.”  May God look down and see me seeking Him.  There is no better way to live.
