Always Pack a Swimsuit

I was walking down the street with some friends at a small coastal town when we ran into a lady who radically changed my perspective.  She inquired as to where we were staying and upon hearing the name of our hotel she excitedly exclaimed, “Oh, they have an amazing hot tub.”  When she heard our response of not bringing our swimsuits, she made a statement that I will never forget.

“Always pack a swimsuit!”

She was an older woman in her seventies, out of shape, and when most women her age hide their physical imperfections, she could care less.  She was all about living life to the fullest each and every day.  She had a fun, youthful spirit about her where she jumped into life wholeheartedly.  I admired how excited she was for every little thing.

Not more than a month later, I traveled to Cambodia for mission work in various villages.  I had been to Cambodia multiple times and never brought a swimsuit because we spent most of our time traveling from village to village.  This time was no different … I didn’t pack a swimsuit.  And… it was a decision I regretted.

On this particular trip, we heard about a beautiful island not to far away called Koh Rong.  We finished early and made a quick trip to this island.  As we landed on the beach, I was stunned by it’s raw beauty.  It look almost untouched by humanity.  The sand was soft, the color of the water inviting and, with the extreme humidity, all I wanted to do was jump in the water.


I didn’t pack a swimsuit.  With the islands being uncommercialized, there wasn’t a place to by one.  And so I sat… on the beach… not being able to jump in… because I hadn’t listened to the wise lady who said, “Always pack a swimsuit.”  I made a decision that day to always take her advice.

It’s more than just being able to swim when you want.  It’s the mentality of jumping wholeheartedly into life and all of the experiences it offers.  To not wait until things are perfect, but to just jump in and live.

Now, I never travel without a swimsuit.
