Why do we fear?  Why do we become anxious?  Why do we feel like we are losing in so many areas of our lives?

So much of our lives our lived in our emotions.  If our emotions are not based on the foundation of Scripture we will be tossed by the storms of life.  If truth controls our emotions, we will not fall over in the face of storms.  It’s a guarantee that our entire life will be filled with ups and downs.  There are hills and valleys constantly in our journey throughout our lifetime.  What determines our success is where we are planted.  It is a young tree that gets its water from the surface.  This young tree cannot withstand hardship.  Any strong wind or storm will wipe it away.  As the tree grows, its roots grow deeper.  Even through times of drought, the tree becomes stronger.  For it is in the drought, the difficult times, that it grows its roots deep into the soil to find water to survive.  It’s this growing of the roots deep into the earth, that the tree becomes stronger and can withstand the storms that inevitably will come.  If it’s roots only remain on the surface, it will be weak and perish.

When the storms in life come, it is then when our roots grow deep to find the living water that Jesus talked about.

Often, we live on the surface and fear, anxiety, the things we see with our eyes, become our focus and we forget who we are in Christ.

“Jesus completely destroyed Satan’s power over you through His death and resurrection.  Satan was utterly smashed, crushed, and bruised by Jesus’ victorious resurrection from the dead.  Now our God-given mission is to reinforce the victory already won and to demonstrate just how miserably defeated Satan already is!”(Dressed to Kill – pg 335)

It’s time we remind the enemy of our soul who we are and that what Jesus did on the cross destroyed any power he had over our life.

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

– 2 Thessalonians 3:3
