Invisible One




He persevered because He saw Him who is invisible.

Hebrews 11:27b

Moses, the Jewish boy whose life began a bit rocky, was thrust into royalty, with all of the treasure and prestige it had to offer… and walked away from it all.

He gave up his position as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.

He chose mistreatment rather than temporal pleasures of sin.

He fled to the desert.

Became a shepherd.


Had an encounter with the living God that changed everything.

There He was in the form of a burning bush.  God calling Moses to live out the story He had penned for Him from the time He was knitting Moses in his mother’s womb.

He was to be the deliverer. How did he have the strength, knowledge, favor and boldness to go before the strongest power in the world and demand the release of their entire workforce? What made him walk into darkness, and demand freedom for thousands of slaves?

Simple… Moses saw Him who was invisible… and he persevered.

In our world today, it seems rather dark.  There are slaves living among us.  Slaves to the enemy of their souls.

Will we respond to the story God penned for our lives?   Will we help deliver those enslaved around us and introduce them to a loving Savior?  Will we persevere?

There is only way to accomplish this…. by seeing the One who is invisible!

Rooted in Him,
