14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.
1 John 5:14-15
What is the deep cry of your soul? That nagging burden that always seems to be there … that thing that just isn’t right. Perhaps it’s a wayward child or a strained relationship with a spouse or the distance of a family member or friend.
It’s that painful circumstance that threatens to bring you to tears at the most in opportune times, a grief that few know or can understand.
What is God’s will for the situation? What is His heart’s desire? That is how we must pray. His Word is very clear that we must ask, that we must petition.
The more we know the heart of the Father the more we will know what to ask for. When our hearts and minds sink into His Word and prayer we begin to see things from His perspective thereby empowering us to ask Him for what He wills.
Be steadfast, remain strong and keep believing that the Lord will do what He says He will do. Put a stake in the ground and declare the territory for His kingdom.
We can boldly enter the throne room of heaven and ask our Father to move according to His will … this is living with an eternal perspective. This is His instruction to us: just ask…according to His will…and it will be done!
Rooted in Him,