
I think about my kids and how I want the best for them.  I am always looking for opportunities that will help them grow to be the best individuals that God has created them to be.  Sometimes when I see their choices I know that they are settling, choosing things that bring them down instead of bringing them up.  I am constantly urging them to read great books, have great friends, try new experiences and spend their time productively.  Often the flesh creeps in and I see them gravitate to less than desirable TV shows, video games rather than being outside, getting caught up in negative talk and being lazy.  During these times I will gently prod them to reach higher.

I see that in God…how He wants the best for us.  Thinking back to the Israelites and how He so desired to bring them into a place of beauty and abundance but instead, because of their choices, they remained in the desert.  In Numbers 13 and 14, the Israelites  were about to enter the promise land and they sent 12 spies into Canaan to check it out.  Ten came back with fearful reports; they told of the fortified cities and the great number of people that they would have to overcome.  But two of them, came back with glowing reports of how it was everything God told them it would be…flowing with milk and honey…and they even brought back huge fruit to show them.

The Israelites had a choice…to trust God and walk boldly forward or fall prey to their fear.  They held onto their negative thoughts and began to despair and grumble against Moses and Aaron.  Instead of moving forward into greatness, they chose to remain in the desert.

They lived a life less than the best.  I wonder how many times I limit the greatness that God is calling me to.  Sometimes it’s my fear, sometimes my worry, my insecurities, my negativity.  I allow these things to limit my life and often realize that I’m not living up to the person that God created me to be.  Imagine what our lives would be like if we walked trusting in God and making decisions that brings the best out in us.  Imagine choosing the best!
