We crave comfort rather than the Creator;

the familiar rather than the Father.

We say we want more of God but do we really?  We say we want to see miracles but would they scare us?  We say we want intimacy but at the cost of what?

In the deepest part of our hearts, we crave more of Christ but what do we do when He is often unpredictable… yes, He is faithful… yes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever… but God doesn’t usually act the way we would think, the way we would plan, the way that feels safe.

We have this desire to control, to do things in our own power.  We say we trust God, but our actions yell something vastly different.  Our default is to make a life of comfort and familiarity than to truly live uninhibited and all in with our Savior.  Why do we fear, why do we control, what holds us back?

Comfort and familiarity is the death of who we were created to be.  Time and time again, we walk around in comfort and familiarity at the expense of living a life where our heart beats in excitement, living life to the fullest and walking hand in hand with our crazy, wonderful Creator.

Choose today to reject comfort and familiarity and jump all in with your crazy God who wants to teach you how to truly live.
