“You will keep in PERFECT peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.  Trust in the Lord FOREVER, for the Lord, the Lord, is the ROCK ETERNAL.”
Isaiah 26:3,4
When our mind is solidly on the Lord, His truths and promises, our peace will not come and go.  We will trust that God has our life in His hands.  He is our Rock eternal – never letting go, always faithful and dependable.  I think of Peter walking on the water and how different the results were when he kept his eyes focused on Jesus and when he didn’t.  When he removed his eyes from Jesus and focused on the storm (or problems) around him, he began to fall.  When he called out to Jesus for help, the Lord reached down and took him by the hand.  The part I love about the story is that the storm didn’t stop at that moment.  Instead Jesus walked with Peter through the storm.  If we trust Jesus through the storm or the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in, He will keep us in perfect peace.