Thank you, God

I’m sitting on a balcony overlooking Lake Kivu in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The beauty in this corner of the world is stunning. With thunderstorms rolling in every night, the topography flourishes with growth. There are different stories, different faces, different dreams and different hopes all around me.

We arrived here a little over a week ago and the revelations have been life-altering. In 2018, my husband took a pilot trip here with a dream to build a safe-home for a victimized woman. Decades of war, ruthlessness of the 120 militias that vie for the resources, poverty, disease, and more have taken a toll on the people. Some still have great hope and some have none. What started out as one safe-home has turned into a safe-home compound of four homes with the fifth one preparing to be built next month. The five homes will complete the compound on this tiny piece of land in the Mungungu quarter of Goma, DRC. One of our objectives of this trip was to get to know the amazing women that call these houses their homes. We organized a beautiful lunch for them and got to hear their stories. Each one was different yet the same.

There is a connection between them – a shared commitment to help each other journey through life. They cook their meals together sharing what they have, care for each other’s children, encourage and sing with each other and more. What struck me the most was when I heard what they call their little safe-home compound. They have named it, “Asante Mungu,” which in Swahili means, “Thank you, God!”

This is what they chose to name their compound and I was overwhelmed by this. They have witnessed the Lord answering their prayers for a home that brings safety for their families and they give all glory and honor to God. Joy leaped in my heart as I heard this.

Years ago as I was studying Exodus 3, I read how God saw the misery of the Israelite people, how He heard their cries for help, how He had compassion for their suffering and how He was coming down to rescue them. The plot twist was that He said to Moses, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10)

God chooses to use humanity to be vessels of His miracles. I think of these women who inhabit the safe-homes. God saw their misery, He heard their cry for help, He had compassion on them and He rescued them. And, He did it through humanity. People from all over were moved by God to give to these projects. People on the ground in Congo built the homes and identified the women who needed these homes. And we had the privilege of choreographing the dance to make it happen. And the women said, “Asante, Mungu (thank you, God),” because all of this happened because of Him!

Every good that is in our lives is because of God. He hears, He sees, He has compassion, and He rescues. The good that we do to help others comes from a heart tethered to Him. He helps us see, hear, feel and help like He does. It is His Spirit in us that brings beauty to people all around us.

As we enjoy Thanksgiving next week, may we remember that every good and perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father and may the first words from our mouth be, “Asante, Mungu – Thank you, God.”

May we continue to live,

Rooted in Him,
