“I used to be afraid of failing at things that matter but now I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t.  – Bob Goff

I heard this statement today and was struck at the importance of it.  I think back on all of the times that fear kept me from doing things that were really important.  My fears like…

  • “Someone else is more qualified.”
  • “Who do I think I am anyway?”
  • “I could never do that.”
  • “I’m not smart enough.”

And the list goes on and on and on and….

I tend to put my time into things that shout the loudest for my attention but they are not successalways the best things.  There are a lot of good things out there but what is the best way to spend my time?  At the end of my life am I going to be satisfied with those things I succeeded in or will I wished I had “gotten out the boat” and lived my life the way, deep down inside, I knew God had called me to?

What are things that are most important?  What will last into eternity?  These are the things I need to strive to be successful in.
