hearSo I have a new prayer.  It’s very simple and as I have begun to pray it I wonder why I’ve never made this my daily prayer before.  It goes like this…

“Lord, let me only hear your voice today.”

I have been praying this specifically for each of the members in my family.  I have seen amazing results.  Hearts have changed in ways that I never could have imagined.  When I have a conflict with one of my kids, I will often pray, “Lord, let my child only hear your voice and let me only hear your voice.”

Too often, we listen to the lies of the enemy and forget to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5b)  If my thoughts and actions steal, kill and destroy myself or another person then I know it’s from the enemy.  If my thoughts bring life and life abundantly, then I know it’s from God.

His ways are beautiful and perfect.  We need to silence all of the other voices that vie for our attention and listen only to the voice of God.

Today, choose to live life to the fullest!!
