For someone reason you are heclock-650753_960_720re…right now…in the place you are reading this…in this century…in this dispensation…for a reason. And this reason is far beyond living for self.  It’s a reason beyond your wildest imagination or your craziest dream.


you choose to dig deep and see the plan God has before you. Sometimes it’s exciting, sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s joyous, and sometimes it’s heartbreaking.


there’s no better place to be than right where God wants you to be.

One of my all time favorite heroines is Esther.  Here she was an orphan, caught in a time where political turmoil was at an all-time high, in a system that she didn’t understand.


God had something great planned for her…a piece in history…if she would choose to be a part of it.  Thrust into being a wife to the great King Xerxes who was known for his emotional temperament, she found herself in a situation that threatened her life and that of her people.  If you don’t know the story of Esther, please do yourself a favor and read about her in the Bible.  It’s amazing.

As her uncle was grieving the impending death of his people, the Jews, Esther was just finding out about the edict that would bring death to her and her Jewish people.  Her Uncle Mordecai sent her this message.

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to a royal position for such a time as this?”

– Esther 4:14

And just like that Esther had to make a choice.  Either shrink back and hope for the best…maybe at least her life would be spared, but realizing that the lives of those she loved would be killed.


She could arise and boldly fight for what was right, to use her position in the world she lived in, and hope that she could make a difference.  She knew that two outcomes could happen…one, she could save her people from imminent death or two, (as she said in her own words) “if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16)

Either way, God would bring deliverance for the Jewish people.  Esther’s family may die but eventually God would bring a deliverer.


Esther had the opportunity to be a part of God’s miraculous plan.  She could be remembered as the one that was only concerned for herself, the one who lived in fear or she could be remembered for being bold and courageous.

God wants to use us but sometimes we resist.  His plan will happen regardless and we may or may not be a part of it.  How sad to miss out on being a part of God’s miracle especially for the sake of our comfort or because of our fear.

Esther chose to rise and become the answer to the problem.  She realized that she was called, placed, positioned and chosen for such a time.

It is not a mistake that we are born in this dispensation.  God didn’t put us on this earth to serve self but to be a part of His master plan. It’s as if we are in a relay race.  There were people that have gone before us paving the way.  It is time for us to pick up the baton and take up our position.  Because just like Esther we were created…

For Such a Time as This!
