If Not You, Then Who

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?          -Esther 4:14

Each of us were born in this dispensation for a reason.  There are certain things God wants accomplished in this world and for whatever reason He has graciously given us the opportunity to partner with Him to carry out His greatest heart’s desire.

But, we each have a choice.  Do we engage with our Creator or do we shrink back?

God’s dreams will be fulfilled regardless of our choices but the question is, will we choose to be a part of them or will we reject His dreams and be satisfied with a cheap imitation called earthly life?

And why would we shrink back?  Think of all we miss out on.  Imagine how Esther’s life would have ended had she not rose up with great faith to do what was uncomfortable and to act in God’s strength?  God would have raised up someone else to fulfill His dream but think of what Esther would have missed out on.

I ask myself, “where do I shrink back…what are the dreams in God’s heart that He is calling me to be a part of…how has fear overcome faith in my life?”

Dutch Sheets writes in his book Dreams:

Those who need the comfort of the familiar or the security of the known can forget dreaming.  The leap of faith will always be a bit too unsettling.

May we determine to live our lives without regret of missing out on all the God-ordained dreams for our lives.

One life… may we live it with eternity in mind!

May we live…

Rooted in Him,
