“More than needing schedules and productivity, this week will need a Savior and prayer.  God’s not asking me to produce – He’s asking me to pray.  He’s not asking me to climb ladders – He’s asking me to kneel and let go.”  Ann Voskamp

So many times in life, we feel that we are in control of our “destiny.”  That it’s up to us to make things happen.  The longer I live the more I realize that pretty much everything is out of my control.  I am coming to realize that prayer is everything and that God can accomplish more in His one spoken word than I can accomplish with all my efforts in my entire life.
As I think back to the Israelites crossing over the Jordan River on dry land and how this miracle was a repeat of the Red Sea miracle, the message that rings clear is this:  
“The Lord your God did to the Jordan just what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over  He did this so that all peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is POWERFUL and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.” (Joshua 4:34, 24)
It was Him…all Him.  I went to a fundraising banquet the other day and the speaker was Pam Tebow.  She started her message with the term “God-stories.”  These are stories where one can see the direct intervention of God.  I know that in this life my talents and abilities, my resources and ideas get me nowhere without the hand of God.  With God, all things are miracles.  With me, all things fail in comparison.  God-stories are a way for us to remember the power and glory of our God.  They remind us that we are in complete dependence on Him; there’s no better place to be.

God-stories begin with prayer.  Prayer is the powerful tool that God created for us where we hold onto his hand and watch as He does amazing things around us and through us.  The key to remember is prayer, not my abilities but His.