Often we think it’s the big things we do in life that really make a change in this world.  However, I think we fail to see the small things that we do that changes the world for that one person.  We may never know how a kind word, a simple soft touch to the back, a smile that says “you are important” or doing something that makes that person feel special, may change the direction of their life…forever.  
God has a way of taking our small everyday acts and magnifying them for his purpose.  I think of the young boy with the the five loaves of bread and two fish in John 6.  He took what he had and gave them to God for his purpose…and was part of a miracle.
God’s measuring stick is very different than the world’s.  Never doubt your simple acts of kindness as simple.  They often leave an extraordinary blessing in the lives of the recipients…whether you realize it or not.

